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House of cards: Businessmen Mike Chimombe,Moses Mpofu in USD87 million scam, abused Presidential goat scheme

Chimombe(loosely translated to fat cow) , former Starlite dance group kingpin Mpofu is greatest of all times (G.O.A.T) , after the botched Kwekwe City Council water meter deal, he choreographed and hijacked the Presidential Goat Scheme and lately made a futile attempt to soil B.I.G (Chivayo).

Story by Founding editor Nigel Tawanda Pfunde

Harare-MEDIOCRE businessmen Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu are sucked in an alleged USD87 million scam involving abuse of the noble Presidential Goat Scheme, Express Mail Zim can report.

The Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commision (Zacc) is seized with the matter and duly requested CR14, CR 6 and CR2 forms for Blackdeck Livestock Farming Private Limited (a company owned by the duo) from the Registrar of companies.

Documents seen by Express Mail Zim show that Zacc generated a warrant of search and seizure which was granted by the Provincial Magistrate at Rotten Row Court requesting for a CABS bank statement in respect of account number 1006126120 belonging to Blackdeck.

Mpofu and Chimombe were given an advance payment and orchestrated to make a ‘ghost’ supply of 600 000 goats, only making good a quarter of the quantity.

Express Mail Zim spoke to some victims in Dande area of the Zambezi Valley and they were bitter.

“They gave me five Boer goats and they asked me to build a structure and wanted my Hard Mashona goats to fuse the breed.

“After three months they send some guys who claimed to be from the Veterinary Services and they took the goats under the pretext of treatment and tha was the last time I sa the goats,” lamented a farmer based in Dande.

“Investigations that ensued established that on 16 November 2021, the Government of Zimbabwe represented by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development entered into a contract agreement with Blackdeck Livestock and Poultry Farming represented by Moses Mpofu valued at US$ 87757 168.00 for the supply and delivery of 632 001 goats over a period of five years,” read Zacc intitial findings.

In a case of sour grapes, Chimombe and Mpofu allegedly manufactured deep fake audios soiling the persona of internationaly acclaimed and award winning businessman Wicknell Chivayo popularly known as Sir Wicknell or B.I.G in his early hustling years.

Chivayo instructed his legal counsel to condemn claims made by Mpofu and Chimombe in a deal that they had no ‘locus standi’ since it was entered between Better Brands Security and a South African company.

Former Starlite dancer (choreographer) Mpofu was a mere “glorious bodyguard” ,who begged for Kodak moments with the chief players of the deal,according to Chivayo’s letter of response in which he deemed “extortianate claims”.

Mpofu’s relocation to Harare was compelled by a dance group called Starlite where he was part of and grace located him in the bright lights of Harare and he saw the light and made a big bang in tenderprenuership- this reporter can attest.

“Mpofu came to Harare nezvemadance group yainzi Starlite.Aitamba zvikuru muchinda iyeye kupfuura MaJuice.(he was a prolific dancer) .

“He came along with Banyana Bafana with Dannt Lunga etecetera and he used to pimp the dancing queens to the big boys in town and he grabbed the opportunity and went into business.

“He used to work with that short boy Albert Nbabambi and scooped Harare City Council deals and he had links with Zec when they grabbed that biometric deal.

“He is not that sharp but he knows how to count money,Im surprised why B.I.G (Chivayo) roped him in.

Chivayo is now in a separate league and can structure proper deals through his wide international business network including the Rudland brothers,Gayton Mckenzie,Kenny Kunene, Billy etc.

“Akazodzwa blaz uya ,haasi tsaga and he is respectful(he is annointed that guy, he is not a fool),” said a close acquitance who refused to be named.

At the other hand, Chimombe is the founder of EEG -a break away empowermemt lobby group and has business intrests mainly in Mashonaland West.

He is also alleged to be a former key member of the Zanu PF miltia known as the Top 6 ,hence his seemingly violent propensity devoid of boardroom decorum!

A quick google search lists him as a lawyer but Express Mail Zim failed to confirm this ‘claim’ with the Law Society of Zimbabwe.

Both characters are not in the country according to a communique released by their legal counsel.

The case continues to unfold as Zacc digs deeper in sync with their mantra refuse,resist and report.

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