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Henrieta Rushwaya’s plot to influence arbitrary deportation of Indian investor exposed

She was denied Indian visa,resorted for a rendezveous in Dubai for part payment

Harare- EMBATTLED ex- convict and president of the Zimbabwe Mining Federation Henrieta Rushwaya’s plot to have Indian investor and NV group chief executive Colonel Sidhu has been laid bare.

Investigations by Express Mail Zim established that after Sidhu ‘s principal Dr Ashok Jain filed a police report that Rushwaya duped NV group of USD1 million, she has resorted to using her political clout to have Sidhu deported for the fraud matter to collapse.

Part of the money was paid to her company Relm Technologies and this publication had sight of a copy of the proof of payment dated May 13 2022 .

“Rushwaya is witty, she knows that if the complainant ‘s representative Sidhu is in absentia, the case will collapse hence she is making trumped up false allegations that Sidhu and an imaginary and non existent group of so called Indian Special Forces are up to illegal dealings in Harare,” said our source close to the goings on.

In fact it has emerged that Rushwaya is the one who invited NV Group to Zimbabwe misrepresenting that she was President Mnangagwa’s proxy on foreign investments.

In an invitation letter leaked to Express Mail Zim from immigration sources, Rushwaya through one F Mangizvo of Number 1 Garlake Close in Gunhill, promised NV Group investment opportunities .

Rushwaya posing as the President’s representative, then asked to meet Dr Jain in India but was denied a visa twice due to her checkered history and damning digital footprint .

” She then travelled to Dubai with an 8 -member delegation and booked in a 5 star hotel that was paid by NV Group.

“That is when the initial payment was made with view that NV group was to enter into a gold mining partnership in Mupfurudzi game park,Filabusi and Gwanda.

“The payment of USD 1 million was made in three tranches but when the investors came she showed them rock fields which she claimed to be gold rich sites.

“This was revealed after geological results came negative.

“Henrieta’s relationship with Dr Jain was so strong such that he took her as a sister and trusted her with funds that she wantonly abused,” narrated our source.

When contacted for comment on the con and allegations that he (Sidhu) had vehicles inscripted with a ‘Special Indian Forces’ sign, Sidhu said he cant comment on a matter that is under police investigations (the fraud case) but he however explained why he put the signs on the vehicle- a matter which is not under police investigations but was miscontrued and dubiously amplified in some sections of the media.

“I am an honorably retired soldier of the Indian army and now came to work in my personal capacity just like many ex army officers are employed in the corporate world because of their dignity,intergrity and proffesionalism.

“I had put up the said stickers almost a year ago as a matter of pride of the organisations I have served for.

“In India it is normal of army officers to display such signs.

“Then I was in a friendly country and felt comfortable and had anyone told me to remove,I would have done it instantly.

“NV Group is big investor with huge investment plan for Zimbabwe,” said Sidhu who refused to comment further.

Media reports of his supposed arrest in Avondale last week were false as confirmed by police sources .

Efforts to get a comment from national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi hit a snag as his mobile phone went unanswered at the time of writing.

Rushwaya’s phone was not reachable with sources saying that she had filial obligations and attending a funeral.

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