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Govt orders ‘blackout’ on procurement of selected medical, construction equipment

Harare – IN a shocking development tantamount to violation of the national constitution, government has this week banned the disclosure of information pertaining to the procurement and disposal of selected equipment on basis that they were of”national interest”, Express Mail Zim can report.

This has been effected basing on section 3(6) of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act (Chapter 22:23).

According to a government gazzete notice 635 of 2023, the equipment including construction, biomedical , medical, medicines , drugs ,lab equipment and hospital protective equipment.

Names of companies contracted to repair and offer maintenance services to hospita equipment and machinery must also not be publicly disclosed.

“It is hereby notified that the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe has in terms of Section 3(6)of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act (Chapter 22:23) declared the following to be of ntional interest and shall not be publicly disclosed…..” partly read the special notice.

Analysts said this development is a complete negation of transparency and will pave way for irregular contracts and tenders being awarded to incapacitated companies with links to

ukent top government officials.

“We are promoting corruption and giving it a fertile ground to grow through this piece of legislation,” said a political analyst who preffered anonymity.

Legal experts said the law can be successfully challenged in court .

“This law is null and void primae facie. It is ultra vires the national Constitution. Its a legal nullity.
What national interest is being protected in this case?” bemoaned a legal expert who refused to be named.

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