
Gospel musician Jerdan in paradise over new album success

his surname aptly depicts his feelings- paradise is a place state of bliss, felicity and delight

Harare- GOSPEL musician and entreprenuer Jerdan Paradise is basking in glory following the success and overwhelming response to his latest album titled ‘Kudenga Zvarongwa’.

His surname aptly depicts his feelings- paradise is a place or state of bliss, felicity and delight.

The album was recently launched at the Anglican Cathederal amid pomp and fanfare attracting A-List guests including Mike Chimombe,Scott Sakupwanya, Paul Tungwarara among others.

He pocketed at least USD27 00 from the album auction where the socialites stampeded to outshine each other to scoop the album.

In an interview with Express Mail Zim this week, Paradise retraced his musical journey which was not without its ups and downs.

His meteoric rise dates back to his upbringing where he grew up in a musical family and the talent became infectious

“I grew up in a family of music and was raised by a single mother who was into music and led choirs in church, I was a musician but singing in churches only then one day I met someone who took me to the studio and he advice me a lot on recording my music and this is person is Nicolas Chirunga and I did my first album 2019 called apostolic gospel,” retraced Paradise.

Paradise’s discography comprises of three albums and he cut his teeth with an album titled ‘Apostolic gospel’, followed by ‘Kadosh’ which means Holy and the latest scorcher ‘Kudengwa Zvaendwa’ that charmed socialites and gospel music afficianidos alike.

On his maiden album he worked with producer Makumbe and on the sequel he worked with VOV studios.

“I worked with Mukwa and my brother Roxlee and on the last one I worked with Tinashe Mutandwa and Integrity Matyora,”said Paradise.

He said he uses music to spread the word of God.

” I do live shows because that’s my way for evangelism,” he told Express Mail Zim.

Paradise was inspired by Jonah Chivasa and his brother Peter Gwindima .

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