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‘Good Samaritan’ turns rapist, preys on robbery victim

By Adeline Mapfumo

Harare – A Harare man stands accused of raping an 18-year old teenage girl who had been robbed after acting as a ‘Good Samaritan last week, Express Mail Zim can report.

The alleged rapist Tambai Paguti (37) appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court Monday answering to rape charges.

Circumstances are that on October 21. the teenager Evidence Muvhuni (18) boarded a commuter omnibus at around 4am and was robbed of her belongings including a handbag and cash.

She alerted other commuters and said that she wanted to go to her sister’s place in Highfield.

She however claimed that she could not remember where her sister stayed and it is at that point in time that Paguti offered to escort her to her sister’s place claiming that he knew her.

Paguti then offered the teenager overnight accommodation at his place since it was dangerous to move at that time due to the spike in mugging in the area.

It is alleged that Paguti raped the teenager once without protection.

At around 0600 hours, the alleged rapist left Muvhini in his room and locked her up , only to return at 21.00 hours and raped her twice.

On October 24, the teenager managed to sneak out and approached one Theresa Kufa and told her about the abuse.

Kufa took her into her house and escorted her to Machipisa police station where she filed her complaint.

Complainant was was medically examined.

Accused was denied bail.

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