
God the source of everything… Your Identity in Christ carries Authority and Power.

Honest Mundondo

The Kingdom of God is current and voice effective. When God made the Heavens and the Earth and creating all things he spoke a word. This is why when His word comes, it carries Authority, Power and Miracles.

Most people have lost revelation about their identity in Christ. They have been overwhelmed by the things of this world and are only seeking for solutions to things they can not change hence giving room and advantage to demons to torment their mindset and their inheritance in Christ.

If there is anything you should guard jealously in this life is your relationship with your maker. The moment you gave your life to Christ and accepted that He is your personal saviour,  everything that has the identity of Christ is confined to You.

This means that everything and anything that is of Christ is also Yours. The Kingdom of God will bring revelation to things that You Must Do, Things You CAN Do and Things You CANNOT Do.

Yet many of us can not exercise the advantages we have in Christ. We have lost our identity and privileges by trying to be impressive to the world and worrying about things God has already given to US.

We fast and pray for a greater blessing that has already been made available to manifest and show in our lives. We foget that through Him we can Do All things and All things are possible.

Then there are also people and christians who have failed in life because they can not practice and live a Godly character because they can not pray.

God doesn’t ignore people, He doesn’t choose the best long or short prayer, He doesn’t favor prayers with fluently articulated words but he gives everyone a chance, those who faithfully follow His will and with a complete heart.

Im reminded by a man in the Bible called Hezekiah, when the word of God came to him through prophet Isaiah that he would die, instead of asking the man of God with greater annointing to pray for him,
Hezekiah remembered his identity in Christ.

He remembered the source of His Authority and Power. He understood that God is the source of everything.
He is the source of Life.
He is the source of Happiness.
He is the source of Good Health.
He is the source of Good and healthy Relationships.
He is the source of Wealth.
He is the the source of Peace of Mind.
He is the source of Deliverance.
He is the source of Annointing.
He is the source of Miracles.
He is the source of the Power and Authority.

If the word of death had come to many of us, we would have begged the man of God to pray for us because of fear and desperation but there are times in life when You need to provoke the Heavens and effectively practice your Authority as a child of God.

It’s sad how most of us can not make things happen both in the physical and spiritual world. We just wait for another day for things to turn to our best advantage yet there is God who has already favoured us and gave us the right to create, to take authority and and to be successful always.

As You finish to read this article, may You realise your potential as a Child of God. May Power and Authority begin to function in your life according to the will of God.

Be blessed.

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  1. God the source of everything very enlightening and timely message. Thank you for bring out this great revelation

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