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Goatsgate scandal: ‘We won tender as lowest bidder meeting required specs’, says Blackdeck

It emerges EEG president Mike Chimombe is not a shareholder of Blackdeck neither is he a signatory to any of its company accounts

Harare- THE 40 million United States Dollars Presidential Goat Scheme Procurement scheme scandal has taken a new twist with the accused company Blackdeck (Pvt) Limited setting the record straight on how they won the tender, Express Mail Zim can report.

In a statement released Monday soon after the duo of businessmen Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu presented themselves to Zacc in the company of their lawyer expressing willingness to assist with the probe.

Blackdeck categorically stated that their ‘hands are clean’ and they participated in a tender procedurally with all processes above board.

“In light of recent media reports and allegations, Blackdeck (Private) Limited feels compelled to issue
this statement to set the record straight and provide accurate information regarding the Presidential Goat Scheme Procurement.

“Blackdeck (Private) Limited participated in the tender process conducted by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development alongside three other companies.

“It was awarded tender as the lowest bidder meeting the required specifications. On November 16, 2021, Blackdeck entered into a contract with the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development to supply goats over a five-year period.

The Key Contract Terms included supply of goats amounting to 15,557 Mashona Buck, 16,444 Matebele Buck, 360,895 Mashona Doe, and 239,105 Matebele Doe over five years.

“In the first year we supplied 3,113 Mashona Buck, 3,292 Matebele Buck, 72,179 Mashona Doe, and 47,821
Matebele Doe.

“The payment terms were quoted in RTGS (not USD) as per Clause 29.2 of the contract,” read part of the statement.

The company stated that cumulatively, total payments received amounted to RTGS 1,600,000,000.00 (One billion and six
hundred million ) (approximately USD $4,282,885.45 at the interbank rate).

It further states that the funds were used to cover the procurement of the goats, set up holding pens and goat centers, provide vaccination and general veterinary service to the goats, logistics to different provinces, security, feeding of the goats whilst in quarantine, tagging and salary and Labour related costs of
the the employees amongst many other costs and expenses.

The ministry is said to have wrote to Blackdeck informing them of cancellation of contract for its convenience.

“Despite the Ministry’s purported cancellation, Blackdeck has so far supplied over 5,000 goats and negotiations regarding the cancellation are ongoing, and Blackdeck remains committed to fulfilling its
contractual obligations,” further reads the statement.

Contrary to media reports that Mike Chimombe is a co-director with his friend and business associate Moses Mpofu, it has emerged that the Economic Empowerment Group president has no single share in the company.

“Mr Mike Chimombe is not a shareholder or director of Blackdeck (Private) Limited. He is not a signatory to any Blackdeck accounts

“Furthermore, we did not receive USD $40,000,000 from the Government of Zimbabwe.

” Our tender was awarded based on our lowest bid meeting specifications, and we take exception to
allegations of corrupt practices.

“Blackdeck (Private) Limited is committed to transparency and accountability.

“We hope this statement
clarifies the facts and sets the record straight. We will continue to engage with stakeholders to resolve
any outstanding matters,”read the statement.

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