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Funeral service providers clash over Terry Gee burial

New kid on the block Stoneriver emerges winner

Chitungwiza- THE late talented musician Terry Gee (real name Tichaona Terrence Green)’s funeral has caused a storm as two funeral service providers clashed,Express Mail Zim can reveal.

Nyaradzo Funeral is said to have attempted to bully fast rising funeral services provider Stoneriver which the family had resorted to after bowling out to Nyaradzo’s extortianate prices.
Ironically, the late musician’s father was a security guard at Nyaradzo Funeral in Chitungwiza and the founder Phillip Mataranyika is said to have been irked by the fact that the family chose Stoneriver.
In markert bullying tactics,Mataranyika ordered his staff to offer free services.

“We initially approached Nyaradzo since his father worked as a guard at their offices in Chitungwiza but their prices were an arm and a leg, our family friend then advised us to go to Stoneriver and we checked their background and we were impressed because their prices were affordable and they also offered free services in respect and appreciation of our son,” said the late Terry Gee’s relative who preffered anonymity.

This publication understands that the tension between the two parlours mounted but Stoneriver Funeral Services emerged the winner and in gratitude they offered free undertaking services .

Nyaradzo also provided a free hearse to save face, this publication heard.

Stoneriver Funeral Services is a new kid on the block but it appears they bombarded the market with a big bang.

Just last week they also provided a five star farewell for the slain Mufakose kid who was killed by his mother’s boyfriend.

Tery Gee will be buried Saturday at Zororo Memorial Park and mourners are gathered at his family home located at Number64 Tilco Road Chitungwiza.

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