
Friends of the Warriors mourn Maroto

A selfless sportsman, Maroto epitomised a real Warrior and his contributions at the Footballers Union of Zimbabwe where he served were a real testament of his undying passion for Zimbabwe football.

Harare- THE untimely death of former Dynamos striker Norman Maroto Friday morning has plunged the football fraternity into mourning with condolences pour in

Express Mail Zim publishes hereunder full statement by the Friends of the Warriors:

“As the bonafide leaders of Zimbabwe football fans, we are deeply saddened by the untimely passing on of Norman Maroto, a larger than life character whose football skills mesmerised many supporters.

Maroto was taken in the prime of life at a time he was ploughing back to the game he served with passion through championing the cause of fellow footballers. His passion for football is unparalleled and his legacy will forever be cherished.

A selfless sportsman, Maroto epitomised a real Warrior and his contributions at the Footballers Union of Zimbabwe where he served were a real testament of his undying passion for Zimbabwe football. It’s sad he leaves at a time the game of football in the country is going through turbulent times. During his playing days,Maroto charmed many supporters with his dribbling skills.

As fans, we pray that those who worked with him will fight hard to fulfill his wishes, those of seeing Zimbabwe football progress forward.

We also pray that all football stakeholders accord him a befitting send off worthy of a football icon as we extend our condolences to the football Family.

To his family,may they find comfort and solace in the reality that they gave the country a germ. We mourn with them and may the good Lord comfort them during these sad moments.

May his soul Rest in eternal peace.

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