
Footie star Mahachi faces arrest for smashing sister”s phone to destroy evidence



EMBATTLED footie star Kuda Mahachi, who was implicated in deliberately scalding his son, faces fresh charges of malicious damage to property.

He allegedly smashed his sister’s mobile phone valued at US$400 in a bid to destroy evidence of his alleged abuse of his son.

The incident occurred in Bulawayo Monday.

The victim is Meline Mahachi.

Circumstances are that the footie star visited her sister’s place in Mzilikazi and grabbed her phone and smashed it accusing her of keeping information that was bent on destroying him.

Mahachi was in the company of his trophy wife Rose Mahachi, his best friend Zibusiso Hadebe.

Bulawayo Provincial Police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.

“We are investigating a case of malicious damage to property whereby Kudakwashe Mahachi is alleged to have smashed his sister’s phone after visiting her. He is said to have asked to use her phone to track his own phone that he said he had misplaced. He then smashed it on the ground before he picked it up and went away with it. The phone is valued at US$400,” he said.


Mahachi did not respond to messages sent to his phone at the time of writing.

His circles fingered his friend Marvelous Nakamba for being behind what they deemed a ‘smear campaign’ but did not disclose the possible motive.

Nakamba was unreachable as well.


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