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Food crisis hits Hartzell High School


MANICALAND based boarding school has been hit by massive food crisis and authorities have advised parents to collect their children on June 22.

In a letter authored by the school head S Kawadza dated June 12, the school advises that the food stocks are almost depleted especially after the ZWL 55 000 tuition fees were eroded by inflation.

Interestingly ,Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket of Southern Africa.

“Given the current food stocks, I write to inform you that the school will not be able to feed learners beyond 22 June hence we ask you to collect the learners from school,” read part of the communique addressed to parents.



The runaway inflation has affected all sectors of the economy including the education sector.

Teachers have complained of incapacitation due to meagre wages forcing them to illegally conduct extra lessons to complement their salaries.

Lately the government has been applying salary increments to the security forces to consolidate loyalty.


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