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‘Fake’ petition widens fissures in ZANU PF

Harare- THE ruling party ZANU PF is allegedly navigating turmoil waters as it prepares for its all important National people’s congress, Express Mail Zim can reveal.
The ruling party has currently shifted focus from congress preparations to a witch-hunt of mischievous elements who are allegedly circulating a rebellious petition aimed at undermining the authority of the party’s President and First Secretary Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Express Mail Zim gleaned the petition which purportedly originated from the War Veterans Association and part of the contents call for a complete overhaul of the party’s commissariat department as well as the removal of Cde Dzora and other party staffers.

The ‘rebellious’ petition was purportedly signed by 10 provincial chairpersons of the war veterans association, six of whom have distanced themselves from the petition thereof and proffesed ignorance.

A provincial chairman who spoke on condition of anonymity said: “Mischieve like this usually starts every time there is congress and some power hungry people are trying to sow divisions in the party by circulating this fake petition.”

Another provincial chairman added: “It is the President and First secretary who appoints and disappoints and he is fully capable of executing that duty and function he does not need to be told who to appoint and disappoint,”he said

Political analysts who spoke to this publication shared a view that the authors of the dubious petition are trying to usurp the constitutional authority and mandate of Mnangagwa in an act tantamount to treason and rebellion against the party.
“The party should attract maximum disciplinary measures to the authors of this petty document,” said a senior ruling party member.

Obert Mpofu the party’s secretary for adminstration was also listed among the people who should be kicked out of the party.
This comes after Mpofu and the team at ZANU PF HQ presided over the organising and holding of the DCC , provincial, , youth elections and women’s league conference.
They are now in top gear preparing for central committee and congress.

Mnangagwa has on several occasions warned party members against factionalism and divisive tendencies.
Express Mail Zim contacted Zanu PF director of information and publicity Tafadzwa Tuboy Mugwadi who could neither confirm nor deny the auntheticity of the document but reffered us to the Secretary of the War Veterans League to the Polituburo Douglas Mahiya whose phone was not reachable at the time of writing.
“Check with the Secretary of the Veterans League to the Politburo Cde Douglas Mahiya. Zvoto zvina mazera. Iri harisi zera rangu aiwa.(It’s beyond my grade),” he said.

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