
Demystifying the Assemblies of God-Spiritual Movement Crusaders Mystery

Marondera State of The Street Address

By Jairos Saunyama aka The Village Reporter!

*’Cutting Ties’*

Marondera- Recently, Assemblies Of God- Spiritual Movement (AOG) was ‘banned’ by Wedza based Headman Mubayiwa accusing it of being uncultural and implementing one of its doctrines popularly known as *CUTTING TIES* among others.

By this, the movement, according to the Headman was influencing congregants to disown their parents.
This week SOSA had the privilege to get more information from the movement concerning the doctrine.
AOG’s Secretary General Luckmore Zinyama (LZ) agreed to shed light on the matter and below are the excerpts.
” Your Spiritual Movement is reportedly being accused of implementing a doctrine that encourages believers to disown their parents or simply what is known as cut ties…can you shed light on this?
*LZ:* Yes it is true that we teach about cutting ties. We teach people to cut ties with everything that causes them to sin. It is now the individual who through the Holy Spirit identifies what it is that causes them to sin. This differs for each individual. We have people who have decided to stop using social media because it leads them to pornography so they cut ties with social media. Some change their professions because they feel that’s where the root of sin is so they cut ties with that job. Others it’s friends and family as interacting with them fights their faith so they cut ties with those friends or relatives. So we don’t tell someone what to cut ties with because its the individual who knows the root of their sins. We are obsessed with fighting sin above all. So we don’t allow any relationship or environment to drag us into sin.
In most cases family members make the mistake of giving us an ultimatum saying if you keep going to church your no longer my Child, brother or sister etc and obviously in that case we make the words of Jesus Christ come alive which he said .

*34* “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. *35* For I have come to turn

“A man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
*36* a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]

*37* “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. *38* Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

*Matthew 10 : 34 – 38*

Please note that the response by Luckmore Zinyama is not edited.

*SOSA is published each and every week at Marondera Residents Open Forum (MAROF) Whatsap platform. For adverts, comments and views, contact Jairos on 0773434397*

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