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Curvy newbie minister Sheila Chikomo torches storm on social media

She has shook social media like number 8

Harare- THE recently appointed deputy minister of Foreign Affairs Sheila Chikomo and International Trade has made a buzz on social media in the wake of her physiology that shook all and sundry on the webosphere, Express Mail Zim can report.

She was appointed Saturday along with Benjamin Kabira who will supritend the Local Government and Public Works ministry.

In the same announcement, the chief secretary to the Office of the President Martin Rushwaya pronounced the removal of Chris Mutsvangwa as minister of War vets in a shocking allegations that he had presidential ambitions as submittted by Twimbos (now X).

Mutsvangwa has been a known government bootlicker and this development comes as a shock.

His sycophancy levels surpasses the former broadcaster Charles Ndlovu (alias Webster Shamu) who described the late president Robert Mugabe as “cremora” – a premium cream.

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