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Councillor justifies spending millions on “workshops”, professes ignorance on how Marara got a USD400 k payout

Costa Mande, the chairperson of the HCC Finance committee appeared before the commission of inquiry on Harare city affairs justifying spending millions of US dollars on workshops by the city in the first half of the year.

Harare – A Harare city councillor who chairs the finance committee has said council use of millions US dollars in rate payers money in numerous workshops is “justified” at a time when service delivery is lowest, a commission of inquiry heard on Tuesday.

Costa Mande, the chairperson of the HCC Finance committee appeared before the commission of inquiry on Harare city affairs justifying spending millions of US dollars on workshops by the city in the first half of the year.

“It is justified. Most of the members (councillors) would not know how council operates,” Mande said referring to weekly workshops attended by councillors.

Mande also told the commission that he is not aware of how city of Harare paid US$370 000 to Matthew Marara in back pay even though he had allegedly resigned from council.

“As the chairperson of the finance committee I am not aware of the issue,” Mande said.

The commission of inquiry chaired by retired Justice Maphios Cheda heard some of the workshops were attended by 173 people in places such as Kadoma and Mutare.

In the past months the commission heard that the city spend at least US $11 million in weekly workshops attended by councillors and city officials at resort towns and cities when service delivery is poor in the capital.

Mande said the figure he understand was spend on workshops in the first half of the year is US$2.1 million not the US$11 million reported in the media.

Harare city is facing a myriad of problems that include water shortages, sewer bursts, potholes on roads, piling of garbage among many other issues.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed the commission of inquiry to probe Harare city affairs after numerous complaints had been made that include misuse of council revenue, corruption and failure of the council to provide adequate services to residents.

The commission of inquiry has up to December to collect information and thereafter prepare a report to Mnangagwa.

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