
Corruption Rocks Mazowe Quarantine Institute

Harare- MAZOWE Plant Quarantine Services Institute has been rocked by massive corruption sucking in the top brass, Express Mail Zim can reveal.

The main function of the Quarantine plant is to regulate the movement of agricultural produce and pest management to protect the local agriculture industry.

The alleged chief culprit is the Head of Institute, Nhamo Mudada who was not available for comment.

Sources allege that a lot of crooked activities have contributed to operations that are against the Second Republic’s thrust against corruption.

“During the period of 2019 to 2020, Nyikadzino Mangombe was involved in three road traffic accidents with vehicle number GAGQ3067 and the same vehicle would be repaired at Prestige Panel Beaters, Bishop Gaul Avenue, next to the ZUPCO garage without following government protocols,” said our source.

In normal procedure, every accident upon the vehicle should have been reported to the police or a board of enquiry would have been conducted. Nonetheless, all these protocols were by-passed.

It is further alleged that Mudada, Mangombe, Cosmas Ruzungunde (the Adminstration Officer) and Munyaradzi Twaya the accountant used short cuts and swept the matters under the carpet.

Sources allege that the vehicle concerned is currently parked at the same workshop after the fourth accident.

Apart from vehicle abuse cover-ups are issues of the abuse of funds for a Mango Fruitfly project through misrepresentation to the donor by the project coordinator Louisa Makumbe (Head of Institute), Mudada which saw one Scholarstica Shumbayaonda being paid monthly salaries for ‘ghost’ assignments.

Other vehicle abuse allegations relate that on October 17, 2022, another executive, Themba Chimbare, was involved in a road traffic accident with vehicle registration number GAGR3077 while carrying members of PQSI staff to Mazowe for work.

Since he is one of the Head of Institute’s blue eyed boys, no police report was made and the matter was swept under the carpet.

Disgruntled employees then queried one, Dr Runyanga taken for disciplinary hearing after he was involved in an accident.

This is clear selective application of the law whereby the head abuses his office to make a discretion where it does not apply.

“Staff is currently at , seems to continue with its shenanigans and boast of strong connections in government, ” said the source.

This publication had not been furnished with answers from the company executive at the time of writing.

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