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Chinese owned Shangri-La restaurant complex hit by armed robbers, main target was Ummona skin spa

sources say spa owner's boyfriend Bruce was main target from his Mutorashanga chrome mining rich-pickings

By Nyasha Chuma and Nigel Pfunde

Harare- THE spate of armed robberies in the country has taken toll on Chinese owned Shangri-La Restaurant complex last Friday in Harare where the robbers targeted Ummona massage parlour, but it escalated to put the whole complex including the flagship restaurant in a panic mode,Express Mail Zim can authoratatively report.

Eyewitnesses told Express Mail Zim that the armed robbers first pounced on Ummona beauty parlour located within the complex wielding guns and sending clients scurrying for cover.

The complex is located on a vast land and accomodates several Chinese owned businesses apart from the restaurant.

Information gathered by Express Mail Zim established that the armed robbers were working on a tip off that one of the directors of Ummona had cash rich clients on the day in question and her alleged boyfriend identified as Yaomong Lia (popularly known as Bruce) entrusts his cash with her from his chrome mining business in Mutorashanga.

“I suspect the reason why Ummona was a target is because they dont bank their cash and the business is just a facade.

“The principal owner 28- year old Mona (real name Jum Yang) and her friend and Yi Zhou(44) masquarade as beauty therapists yet they are pimps.
“So what happens Mona lures rich clients at Ummona and she then pimps them to rich clients especially in the mining industry where her boyfriend Bruce is making a killing with chrome.
“So I suspect he also keeps cash from Mutorashanga at Mona’s joint at Shangri-La hence robbers pounced at them affecting innocent diners at the adjascent restaurant.
“Bruce must be investigated because he left his Mutoko gold mije in unclear circumstances when he assumed Zimbabwean
citizenship,” said our source.

Investigations made by this publication established that Ummona Spa is operating illegally ,violating reserved areas government policy on foreign investors and the boss Mona’s immigration status is questionable.

She is also alleged to have ran a brothel along Ridgeview North Avenue in Highlands (address withheld) and was evicted after the landlord got wind of the information from a whistleblower, coupled with further allegations of stealing a solar styem from the landlord.
Various corrospondence with her former employee (at both spa and allehed brothel) who is now back in China are in our possession

The solar system theft allegations were reported at Highlands Police Station where she was warned and cautioned and material informatioj of investigating officer and reference number are at hand.

When contacted for comment via Whatsapp, the Ummona boss threatened to take legal action if ever the story sees the light of the day.

“This is false information, we have the investment certificate and the business license of the company, this is the malicious retaliation of a former landlord, if you report the unverified news, I will take legal measures to protect my image.

” My status is legal, not illegal stay, do you think people without legal status dare to open a shop in public?,” she said and wantonly ignored to respond to brothel ownership allegations.

Express Mail Zim team visited Shangri-La Wednesday afternoon and the manager at the flagship restaurant confirmed the ambush by armed robbers Friday but said the target was Ummana.

“The incident occurred at the massage parlour and we had to protect our guests,” said the female manager.

Eyewitnesses said the scene was like a war zone and the whole Shangri -La complex was cordoned off with the Chinese nationals reportedly drawing out big guns in retaliation forcing the robbers to retreat.
Guests in the restaurant were locked inside for safety.

It could not be immediately ascertained how much cash the robbers made good with as the Ummana official was evasive when this publication’s team visited the crime scene Wednesday.

“We cannot talk about that issue and we made a police report.

“Our superiors are not around,” said a lady who claimed to be the spokesperson of the company.

“We dont want this,” she insisted but neglected to provide proof of a police report that they purpotedly filed.

Lately , armed robbers have targeted Chinese businessmen on speculative reports that they do not conform to tenets of the local banking system and opt to keep the cash at their premises before externalising it via Zambia by road.

From opulent restaurant to war zonr: The interior of Shangri-Lira Restaurant which was attacked by armed robbers last Friday

Shangri-La is not new to controversy, recently the animal protection organisation, SPCA cleared Shangri -La restaurant of allegations that it was selling dog and cat meat.
Following an investigation the SPCA issued a statement clearing the restaurant of the allegations.

Recently, a Chinese businessman lost USD1 million at his Borrowdale Brook house a cause for the Cemtral Bank to intervene and investigate on possible money launderingand externalisation

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