
Cars pile up at Mabvuku turnoff accident

Harare – THERE was a car pile up as a result of an accident that occurred at Mabvuku turnoff along Harare- Mutare Road Thursday morning.

Police are yet to release the number of injuries and if there are any casualties.

Law enforcement officer attending to the accident scene earlier this morning

Mabvuku legislator Scott Sakupwanya installed traffic lights to reduce accidents at this ‘black spot’ but it seems the road has become busier as drivers speed to beat traffic in the CBD following the closure of most roads ahead of the 44th SADC Summit of Heads of States and Governments to be held in Harare next month.

Mutare road is one of the busiest roads in Zimbabwe. It offers passage to some eastern suburbs of Harare, rolling into Mashonaland East to Mutare and, ultimately, Mozambique.

Private cars, kombis, long-distance buses, and heavy haulage trucks squeeze each other to and from the capital.

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