
Anti-Sanctions Solidarity Day music gig set for Chi-town

Harare- THIS year’s edition of the Anti Sanctions Solidarity Day musical concert will be held at Chitungwiza Aquatic Complex on October 25 with participation both physically and virtually through the national broadcaster.

The line up of performing artistes has not yet been released with anticipation that all genres will be catered for to illuminate the dormitory town which is home to ace sungura musician Alick Macheso who has made that venue one of his favourite hunting grounds.

The fourth edition of this day will be running under the theme “Enhancing Zimbabwe ‘s Resilience through Economic Development and Engagement and Re-engagement.

According to Information minister Monica Mutsvangwa, this is in recognition of the concrete steps the country has taken in strengthening engagement and re-engagement at bilateral and multilateral levels.

In her post Cabinet statement Tuesday , she said:

” The event will showcase the progress the country is making with the economic transformation drive, through His Excellency the President’s mantra, “nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo.

She added that several activities were lined up apart from the music concert.

“The activities on the day will include a televised statement by His Excellency the President, which will be distributed through all media platforms;media awareness campaigns on the nature and impact of my sanctions in and outside Zimbabwe;showcasing commendable progress of projects in various sectors including in Agriculture and food security, Mining, Health, Education, Infrastructure,” she said.

The country has been reeling under sanctions that has seen an astronomical rise in inflation and high unemployment rate .

This has seen skills flight with the health sector being hard hit since the advent of the Covid 19 pandemic that resulted in demand of health workers in Europe.

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