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Kasukuwere funds manufacturing of pro-Chiwenga regalia as he intensifies his divisive tactics on Zanu PF

Harare- SELF exiled former Zanu PF political commissar Saviour ‘Tyson’ Kasukuwere has intensified his divisive tactics to split the ruling party and threw his weight on Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Express Mail Zim can reveal.

The presidential aspirant Kasukuwere who leads Tyson Wabantu political outfit ,is alleged to have funded the manufacturing and printing of regalia which has an inscription written
‘Munhu wese kunaChiwenga’, which insinuates that Chiwenga is the right candidate for presidency. Tyson Wabantu spokesperson Ntokozo Msipa was pictured displaying the regalia.

Express Mail Zim contacted Msipa Sunday to explain the rationale and motive of the ‘advert’.

He could neither confirm nor deny whether the outfit is drumming up support for Chiwenga.

He however promised to respond in writing but had not done so at the time of writing.

This development follows a sensational appeal by former Zanu PF youth leader Godfrey Tsenengamu urging Kasukuwere to return to the country and ‘restore sanity’ in Zanu PF.

Kasukuwere reportedly wrote a letter to the ruling party’s leadership asking for ‘immunity’ upon his planned return to the country to save his crumbing business empire.

He has intrests in travel and tours, petroleum and agriculture.

His brother Stan cannot sustain the ailing business empire since his farming business is also teetering on the brink of collapse. In his appeal to Kasukuwere, Tsenengamu said:
“I went to Mashonaland central some weeks ago and Zanu PF comrades and other political party members were asking me where Kasukuwere is and they are saying you should come back; they regret celebrating your downfall and they want you home.”

“The people are saying you are not safe in South Africa, there is a leadership vacuum, and they want you back, I even told them you may face arrests from the ruling party, but they are insisting that you come back home,” added Tsenengamu, who now fronts the Front for Economic Emancipation (FEEZ).

Tsenengamu, however, warned Kasukuwere to join ‘progressive’ opposition parties if he so decides to gun for the top post.

“If you come back and join Zanu PF, just know that is your end. In any case they do not want you there. You either come and join other progressive Zimbabweans or start your own journey.

“In 2023, Mnangagwa will lose, if you (Mnangagwa) are the candidate, you will not win. If Mnangagwa does not sort out his mess, he must forget about getting even 40%,” added Tsenengamu.
Information at hand has it that Kasukuwere’s imminent return has caused fissures in the presidium with VP Chiwenga said to be willing to grant ‘immunity’ to Kasukuwere who has a cocktail of corruption charges levelled against him. President Emmerson Mnangagwa is not corroborating with Chiwenga’s stance and suspects Kasukuwere has ulterior motives.
Presidential spokesperson George Charamba also questioned Kasukuwere’s sincerity in a tweet where he said:
” Just a simple mind’s ask .How does an aspiring presidential candidate whose hounds are already sniffing and barking for him,still appeal to his rival and his rival’s deputy for assurance to come back home for his crumbling businesses.” Speculation over a rift between Mnangagwa and his deputy has been rife but both parties have scoffed at the reports and described it as a figment of detractors’ imagination.

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