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PS Guvamatanga detractors’ machinations laid bare through intricate smear campaign syndicate

The Kambuzuma raised top govt official was employed at Barclays Bank at the age of 17, worked his way to the top through different investments

Harare – THE Ministry of Finance ‘s spirited effort to normalise a potential rent seeking economy and instability has put the most powerful civil servant in that ministry George Guvamatanga under the guillotine from suspected economic saboteurs.

This publication understands that a syndicate of some rogue businessmen who externalise money out of the country are fighting tooth and nail for the demise of Guvamatanga whom they accuse of blocking their dodgy deals.
Under the former late president Robert Mugabe’s administration, several business people were on a looting spree of government funds without delivering services, a move Guvamatanga has stopped upon his ascention to the position he currently holds.

According to a government minister who declined to be named for professional reasons, powerful business moguls in the country are fighting Guvamatanga for blocking loopholes that were used to steal funds while bringing stability in the fiscus.

“Since Guvamatanga became permanent secretary all civil servants have been receiving their salaries on time.

“He is also paying all contractors timeously leading to accelerated infrastructural development projects being witnessed countrywide. His only crime is to block rogue people from siphoning money out of the country,” said the minister.

The Minister added that Guvamatanga a farmer and businessman made his fortune way before being in Government as former banker at Barclays Bank.

“Guvamatanga is running a dairy farm in Chivhu. He started with four cows 10 years ago which grew to 2800 today.

“He supplies Dairyboard 27 000 litres of milk per day at $1.50 per litre getting $40.5k which is US$1,2 million per month. His wife is also a hardworker she abandoned urban life to live at the farm. So attacks on him are baseless,” said the Minister.

A Zanu PF Politiburo member also said the onslaught on Guvamatanga of having properties outside the country is baseless.

“Days of the first dispensation of just making money without doing anything are over. So most of the top guys are bitter that money is being given to those only delivering results.

“The Presidium is actually happy with his works that is why he is still in office now. His work speak for itself,” he said.

For the past 44 years Zimbabwe has witnessed significant progress under Guvamatanga as finance boss, roads are rehabilitated, buildings commissioned, innovation hubs at all State universities opened.

Air ambulances, top of the range vehicles have been bought, presidential solar boreholes drilled countrywide, village business units are operational and several dams commissioned.

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