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Harare city counci boss Chisango concede that millions of dollars ‘drowned’ through absence of proper accounts books

Top lawyer and leading evidence leader Thabani Mpofu roasts the chief accounting officer until he failed to balance his books, confirms that SBUs remitted nothing

HARARE-INCARCARATED Harare City Council Town Clerk, Hosiah Chisango on Monday conceded that the council has been run with no proper book of accounts in recent years and that the public entity does not have a consolidated asset register which can give rise to misapropriation of money and property, Express Mail Zim can report.

“There is no proper accounting,” Hosiah Chisango told the Maphios Cheda led commission of inquiry on Monday.

“There is no credible financial reporting system.”

Chisango is basically the chief executive and chief financial officer of Harare City Council.

His responses before the Commision were just mere admission of guilt in his assistance to the investigations.

” Yes, Yes”, he bellowed on half of the questions put to him by the leading investigator Thabani Mpofu.

Yes man he was througout the proceedings !

Braii master? – Top lawyer Thabani Mpofu grilled the incarcerated Harare City Council Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango as he led evidence in the Commision of Inquiry ontje HCC governance issues since 2017

Chisango confirmed findings by the Auditor General in the past audits that council has failed to consolidate it’s books of accounts from subsidiaries such as Sunshine Holdings, City Parking and Rufaro Marketing.

Chisango who is in remand prison was escorted by prison guards to attend the commission of inquiry into the running of Harare City Council since 2017.

Intrestingly, he was not donning prison regalia but rather clad in joggers and befitting sneakers.

The City of Harare has been a hub of corruption in recent years with the residents complaining of lack of clean water, pot-holed roads, sewer bursts and failure by council to collect refuse.

Earlier on Monday Harare Residents Trust director, Precious Shumba appeared before the commission and complained about financial flaws within the city council.

He said councillors and city management have been wasting public funds in endless workshops.

“We don’t derive much value from those workshops,” Shumba said.

He said all the directors running the city council were incompetent.

“None of the council directors are competent,” Shumba said.

He said councillors have also been involved in the day to day running of the city council than to stick to their mandate of making by-laws.

Shumba said the commission of inquiry should investigate the refurbishment of Rufaro stadium and the company that was awarded the contract to do the works.

The commission inquiry heard that the city council cannot account to millions of dollars.

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