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Local firm rescuscitates Glen Norah Park which had become an eyesore

As part of the initiative, Furusco on Saturday hosted the maiden Glen Norah Family Entertainment and Exhibition show at the Park.

Harare-In pursuit of the public private partnerships gospel, local firm Furusco has embarked on a mission to resuscitate the dilapidated Glen Norah Park, Express Mail Zim can report.

As part of the initiative,Furusco on Saturday hosted the maiden Glen Norah Family Entertainment and Exhibition show at the Park.

Furusco partnered with the City of Harare and its parent ministry to ensure this rehab project sees the light.

The exhibition has attracted corporates and local traders within the locale who booked stands to sell their wares and products.

Speaking on the sidelines of the event Saturday, the firm’s spokesperson Joe Matau said the initiative was a way of giving back to the community that they grew up in.

“Myself and the chairperson Mr Mwale (Fungai) were raised in Glen Norah before moving to our current residences.
” We saw it befitting to rescuscitate the infrastructure.

“This once vibrant recreational facility had become an eyesore and a haven of criminal activities.

” There have been reports of a murder in the park and we decided to make a difference for the benefit of the community ,” he said.

He also emphasised on the need to decongest the central business district by focusing on marginalised areas.

“Instead of going into the CBD to sell wares, this platform can be used,” said Matau.

He said the level of investment in the first phase of the rehabilitation proccess stands at USD20 000.

“I can say so far we have poured in USD 20 000 on the project and we are setting up a children’s play centre which will have a mini zoo, mud sports (there is a dam), athletics, business exhibitions, full bar and catering,” said Matau.

Spruced up: Part of the Glen Norah Park that was spruced up to save the white elephant

Meanwhile, the initiative is timeous since the once beautiful park was now an eyesore with overgrown tall grass, Apostolic sects had turned it into shrines on the once lush green lawns.

This neglect also saw the park turning into a den of drug abuse and prostitution by idle youths.

Lately, Harare City Council has been turning recreational parks into business premises, for instance the complex located at the corner of Seke Road and Boshoff Drive in Sunningdale.

Residents welcomed the move by Furusco.

“We applaud this development.

” Most of our ghetto youths were turning the Park into dens of drug abuse and the mugging cases around that area had increased.

“I am a father and I am concerned about what goes on in the area that I grew up.

” We used to do somersaults at the lawn at the Park and there were swings, a dinosaur and a small zoo where there were monkeys, ” said Forget Mudzinganyama popularly known as Dambaza in the neighbourhood.

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