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Chinese investors violently resist eviction at Cosmopolitan Restaurant, name drops a member of the Presidium

The legit land owner Chiyangwa institutes legal action but Chinese investor remain defiant and breaks the law

Harare-CHINESE investors running a company called JC Delonics sparked controversy when the directors dramatically resisted eviction in defiance of a court order last week.

The company co-directors Cao Wenjing and Vicky caused drama last Wednesday at Stand 5200 located at Number 31 Fleetwood Road in Alex Park, Harare.

JC Delonics (trading as Cosmopolitan Restaurant) unlawfully proceeded with construction of a car park on land belonging to Chiyangwa family’s Pinnacle Holdings and Kilima Investments and defied a court order handed down on June 26 by High Court judge Justice Mafusire.

Express Mail Zim gleaned a copy of an eviction order dated July 26 .

Pinnacle Holdings directors led by Bruce Chiyangwa had their truck blocked access to the 1400 square metres land where they had gone to deliver bricks.

“The legitimate owners of the land came last Wednesday and the Chinese guys blocked the trucks arguing that Chinese had a special privilege since they were on a Zimbabwe investment excursion.

” One of the directors Vicky tried to throw herself in front of the truck and began to name-drop saying the investors were close to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga.

” The investors were arrogant and boasted that they were untouchable, “said an eyewitness who preffered anonymity for fear of reprisal.

The Chinese investors are also at loggerheads with Harare City Council in a desparate bid to sanitize the US$1.4 million illegal investment that they lost at the court of law.

Express Mail Zim contacted the company proxy Nicholas Mandeya who vehemently denied the allegations arguing that it was manufactured by individuals with malicious intent.

However, this publication is in possession of videos of the melee thereof.

“Afternoon my brother. Please be professional and not be swayed by people with malicious motives. I would urge you to come on site and verify whatever you need to verify.

” We’re more than ready to welcome you and answer any questions that you might have. I have just responded out of politeness though I’m not the spokesperson of the company that you’ve directed your questions to,” said Mandeya.

Despite refusing to be the spokesperson, Express Mail Zim has a copy of a board meeting extract undersigned by company director Cao Wenjing granting Mandeya a’ power of attorney ‘.

Pinnacle Holdings director Bruce Chiyangwa refused to comment citing that the matter was before the courts.

Meanwhile,one of JC Delonics managers George Jerigodo was arrested Tuesday for contempt of Court and was taken to Avondale Police Station for questioning.

He was arrested under reference number RRB6062701.

Jerigodo said the matter was been handled by his lawyers Nyakudanga Law Chambers and he is still submitting statements.

Alex Park Residents Association chairperson Beverly Arora confirmed the Chinese investors’ alleged dodgy land dealings but refused to shed more light.

“Well, yes there is a dispute going on but I can’t comment before I get permission from contesting parties, please try calling Mr Bruce Chiyangwa,” said Arora

Land grab: The structure that the Chinese investors built and now trying to encroach the adjacent land belonging to Pinnacle Holdings and Kilima Investments

Express Mail Zim crew visited the place last night and the parking lot was jam packed with revellers illegally parking alongside the bricks delivered by Pinnacle in a clear case of anarchy by the Chinese investors.

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