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Harare reshuffles employees to destroy commision of inquiry evidence

Investigations revealed that Mayor Jacob Mafume and his acolytes wants Edgar Dzehonye to take over the post so that he covers up land scams by councillors and management.

Harare- HARARE City Council councillors working in connivance with some managers are allegedly reshuffling key personnel in the housing department to cover up tracks of their corrupt deeds.

Among those targeted are legal division guru Mushava and deputy director of human services department of housing and community Dr Machipisa who is set to be going to the School of Excellence which is outside the mandate of council.

Investigations revealed that Mayor Jacob Mafume and his acolytes wants Edgar Dzehonye to take over the post so that he covers up land scams by councillors and management.

Further, Dr Machipisa is said to have refused to allocate councillors stands outside their wards as per the law.

Some councillors who already received their stands during the first term including the Mayor also wants Dr Machipisa out so that they can get new stands which will be put in the name of proxies.

The School of Excellence where Dr Machipisa is being forced to move in Gunhill at the mayoral mansion has nothing tangible to date.

Despite council passing a resolution to establish the school and budgeting funds for it outside its core mandate it remaibs only a pipeline dream.

Our crew visited the mayoral mansion where it observed that the school is far from beginning with virtually nothing on the ground in terms of preparations.

A worker at the premises who preferred anonymity said the project f opening the school is a pipe dream.

“There is nothing going on here. We only read it in the newspapers that there is a school of excellence but l doubt if it will be opened as there are no preparations here,” said the worker.

A councillor who preferred anonymity said Dr Machipisa was being victimised for his professional conduct.

“The Minisiter of Local Government is aware of the issue and is acting on it. The councillors are demanding stands outside their wards which is a crime.

“Dr Machipisa has been firm on that but he is now being persecuted. Some of us we already received stands but the greedy ones want more,” said the councillor.

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