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Geo-Pomona boss Nguwaya hails former child parliamentarian Ngirandi on launch of handbook that promotes sustainable dvt

He says public-private partnerships are a powerful tool for leveraging the strengths of both the public and private sectors.

Harare- Chief Executive and executive chairman of Geo-Waste Management Dr Dilesh Nguwaya has hailed the initiative made by former child parliamentarian Tinashe Ngirandi(21) by launching a handbook that champions sustainable development,Express Mail Zim can report.

Titled ‘Building Zimbabwe Together’ ,the official launch was conducted Thursday at a glittering ceremony held in the capital and officiated by Vice President Hon.Col.K.C.D Mohadi , who is the current Acting President .

Nguwaya said the book’s contents resonates with the goals of the Second Republic to pursue sustainable development and economic growth.

He also made emphasis on the significant role played by public-private partnerships in fostering economic development.

“Zimbabwe is at a pivotal moment in its pursuit to sustainable development and economic growth.

” Today, I would like to shed light on the significant role that public-private partnerships play in fostering sustainable development and realizing Zimbabwe’s vision 2030.

” Public-private partnerships, or PPPs, are a powerful tool for leveraging the strengths of both the public and private sectors.

” By combining resource, expertise, and innovation, we can address the complex challenges that hinder sustainable development and lay a solid foundation for inclusive growth,” he said .

He added that Geo-Pomona has embraced the principles of sustainable waste management, recognizing that effective waste management is crucial for environmental preservation, public health, and economic prosperity through collaborations.

” Through our collaboration with government and local communities we are implementing numerous initiatives that have a tangible impact on Zimbabwe’s development.

“One such initiative is our partnerships with the government and Harare City Council to establish a waste recycling facility. This facility does not only create employment opportunities but also contribute to environmental conservation by reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. By recycling waste such as plastic, paper, and glass we are promoting a circular economy and mitigating the environmental impact of waste disposal,” said Nguwaya.

Geo Pomona Waste Management (Pvt) Ltd is also actively involved in waste-to-energy projects, which convert organic waste into clean and renewable energy sources. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, we have successfully transformed waste management into a sustainable solution, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a greener future for Zimbabwe.

The facility also has a football pitch for recreation and a fortinight ago played host to Caps United Jnrs.

At the launch, Nguwaya bought Ngirandi’s handbook for a whooping USD1 000 to support the initiative and his future projects of building a lab in Shurugwi where he was born 21-years ago.

The media shy Nguwaya encouraged other young people to follow Ngirandi’s example in contributing to the country’s progress.

He pledged Geo-Pomona’s continued support for initiatives that promote sustainable development and emphasized the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in achieving Zimbabwe’s development goals.

Grand launch: VP Mohadi pictured with the young former parliamentarian Tinashe Ngirandi at the official launch of the 21-year old’s handbook in Harare Thursday morning

Analysts said the launch of Ngirandi’s handbook and the support from Nguwaya and Geo-Pomona demonstrate the power of partnership and innovation in driving positive change and creating a better future for Zimbabwe under the leadership of President Mnangagwa.

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