
Pan-African Referral Hospital Muduvuri endorses ANC , predicts elections victory

Muduvuri's endorsement of the ANC and the importance of voting for former liberation parties in Africa comes at a critical time as South Africa prepares for its elections.

Story by Wallace Mawire

Harare,Zimbabwe- PAN- African Referral hospital founder in Zimbabwe, Jimayi Muduvuri is urging citizens of South Africa to go in their numbers to endorse and vote for the African National Congress (ANC) party in the forthcoming country’s elections slated for 29 May,2024.

Muduvuri is a long serving member of the ruling ZANU (PF) party in Zimbabwe and is strongly imploring South Africa’s citizens to shun western imperialism and domination which is peddled by regime change strategists supporting opposition political groups with regime change agendas.

The ruling ANC party has been at the helm of the country following the eradication of the apartheid era brutal anti-black political reign which oppressed millions of the country’s nationals, in a dark period which has never been seen in Africa’s history.

In a recent interview with the Daily News newspaper in Zimbabwe, Muduvuri said that South Africans should not vote for the opposition as this would be a betrayal of the liberation struggle that pan-Africanists endorsed.

“South A

Jimayi Muduvuri
fricans and the rest of Africa must desist from the mentality of trying to remove the former liberation movements because it will be a betrayal of the selflessness of our founding fathers.

For example, the ANC is the one which ushered independence in South Africa in 1994,so we cannot have 30 years, the electorate wanting to remove that liberation party and replace it with a western opposition party,”Muduvuri is quoted by the Daily News as saying.

He is also quoted further saying,”lt means that they no longer value how Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison in order for our neighbouring county to be independent.”

Muduvuri added that Africans should honour their heroes who selflessly sacrificed themselves by continuing to vote for former liberation parties.

He also said that the future of Africa was safe and bright as former liberation parties would continue with policies that change the livelihoods of ordinary people.

He also highlighted the example of Zimbabwe where he said that under the leadership of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, the ZANU PF ruling government had embarked on massive infrastructure and economic development initiatives because of the party’s emphasis on placing the country ‘s citizens interests at heart.

The Muduvuri Pan African Hospital Referral hospital began offering free medical mobile service outreach programmes in Zimbabwe in 2023 as a pilot initiative

Muduvuri’s endorsement of the ANC and the importance of voting for former liberation parties in Africa comes at a critical time as South Africa prepares for its elections. His call for citizens to value and continue to support the parties that fought for independence and liberation is a reminder of the sacrifices made by the continent’s heroes.

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