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Political activist Kerina Mujati ‘celebrates’ Neville Mutsvangwa’s continued detention

Neville's matter is sub judice and the principle of presumption of innocence prevail ,Mujati spewed her seemingly sensationalised opinion on X Monday

Harare- POLITICAL activist Kerina Mujati has made a public celebration of businessman Neville Mutsvangwa’s prolonged detention and his remanding in custody to May 30 over allegations of illegal forex dealings, money laundering and violation of the telecommunications act.

Express Mail Zim publishes hereunder full transcript of Mujati’s sentiments which were rather based on non objectivity, hate and unsubstantiated claims.

Neville’s matter is subjudice and the principle of presumption of innocence prevail but Mujati spewed her sensationalised opinion on X Monday(she is however entitled to her own opinion)

“The 30th of May is too early because you found Neville with an Estonian ID , many foreign bank cards ,48 sim cards contravention of the telecommunications act which is indicative that he is operating in a syndicate of organised criminal gangs.

“This is a high security case if the same courts sent Job Sikala for utterances as a security risk and was in prison for a longtime, honestly Neville is a high national, regional and international security risk considering all the apparatus suggestive of international crimes/insurgency.

” Therefore this case of Neville Mutsvangwa should not be treated with urgency but due investigative/ intelligence gathering processes should be prioritised. Given the apparatus which were at his disposal, the case should be multi national.

“Has the Zimbabwean Republic Police made a notification to the InterPol regional office ?

“The most disturbing national security risk about Neville Mutsvangwa is the fact that he was found with an Estonian ID which was NEVER declared to the Zimbabwe immigration and border security.

“Neville Mutsvangwa is a person of high security risk and interest considering that Estonia is infamous for its Albanian/Russian mafia known for notorious international arms trafficking , drugs, human trafficking, prostitution and money laundering gangs. I hope the CIA will not be interested in this case and our nation find itself in the same situation as Nicaragua/Panama and Congo in the late 1990s. Are Zimbabweans citizens safe considering how greedy the Mutsvangwas are and placing the country at high risk?

“Christopher and Monica Mutsvangwa they need to be interrogated as well.

” Arrest Chris and Monica Mutsvangwa to answer questions for the money laundering and Estonian ID as it is apparent as long money is involved,they will not stop at even putting the nation in jeopardy. Our nation must not be a thugs paradise,” wrote Mujati.

Meanwhile, Neville will languish in remand prison for the next fortinight but sources told Express Mail Zim that his legal counsel is applying for bail at a Higher Court.

His parents has week lamented over what they deemed “political arrest” without however naming the people they think are behind ,but throwing insinuations bordered on speculation.

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