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Security fears:Govt to resettle farmers near Buffalo Range Airport

Harare- GOVERNMENT has resolved to relocate farmers operating within the vicinity of Buffalo Range Airport to maintain aviation security standards, Express Mail Zim can report.

This was announced in a report presented by Transport and Infrastructural Development minister Felix Mhona at a post Cabinet media briefing in Harare Tuesday. The airport is under rehabilitation since it serves as a gateway to tourists willing to visit Gonarezhou national Park and surrounding resorts.

It is located six kilometres north-west of Chiredzi town.
“For the purposes of expanding Buffalo Range Airport in Masvingo Province Cabinet resolved that all the farmers settled on the critical zones of the airport should be relocated.

“The relocation will also enhance aviation security standards,” said Mhona.

He raised concerns on the negative effects of the farming operations in these “critical zones” , citing that it will ultimately result in a sharp increase in human, domestic and wild animal incursions on the airfield.

“The cropping activities have attracted bird activity to the aerodrome environs, whilst the rampant cutting down of trees, veld fires and quarry mining activities on the western side of the airport has led to serious land degradation”he noted. The upgrade and rehabilitation of the airport was contracted to Bitumen World and commenced more than three years ago.

It is part of the Second Republic’s infrastructure development projects that has also seen the construction of dams and rehabilitation of roads , dovetailing with the National Development Strategy 1(NDS1)and Vision 2030.

The upgrade of the airport is at advanced stages and nearing completion.

However, Mhona did not reveal where the affected farmers will be relocated and if they will be compensated for the loss of their crops.

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