
GERT calls mining companies to be ESG compliant

Harare- LOCAL mining companies have been urged to invest in Environmental Social Governance (ESG) which promotes sustainable mining as it plays a plays a key part in attracting foreign funding for mining activities.

The call to invest in sustainable mining operations has come at a time when government has made a call to mining companies to invest in ESG practices to ensure that communities and the environment benefit from mining activities.

Director Green Energy Resources Trust (GERT), Takudzwa Hungwe, a non-governmental organisation that seeks to promote and facilitate the provision of clean, renewable and sustainable sources of energy that are environmentally friendly to Zimbabwean communities, said being ESG compliant is now playing a key part in attracting foreign funding for mining activities.

“Apart from the environmental and social benefits to communities that come with being ESG compliance.

“Having an ESG practices in place allows mining companies to attract foreign funding as it enhances their reputation and improves risk management.

“Internationally, ESG practices are now the minimum operating standard for mining companies and no longer optional.

“As we speak there are moves to standardise reporting in mining globally to make mining companies more investable,” said Hungwe.
He added that through their advocacy programs promote sustainable mining, GERT has takem a leading role by engaging mining companies to be ESG compliant.

“Mining must be done sustainably to ensure a carbon-neutral future for posterity.

“As GERT we have engaged with various small scale and large mining companies in our advocacy to encourage responsible mining because the mining industry is under now scrutiny because of its direct impact on the environment,” said the GERT director.

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