
Transport ministry boss Shenje persecuted for alleged close links with Perm Sec Eng Chinyanga

Fact is accused has no power to reccomend payments

Harare- TRANSPORT Ministry deputy director Enerst Shenje who was arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) for alleged fraud involving US$1million has vehemently denied the charges laid against him,Express Mail Zim can report.

Shenje submitted that he was paying the price for a perceived close association with head of ministry, permanent secretary Engineer Theo Chinyanga and the trumped up charges was a calculated attempt by detractors to pull him down.

Shenje was apprehended last Friday by Zacc investigators on allegations that he was involved in US$200 000 that was fraudulently claimed as compensation for property affected for the construction of the new Mbudzi Interchange.

He however made it clear that he was used as a pawn to shield the real perpetrators.

Circumstances are that there was a fraudulent claim of US$1 003 417 in which the alleged beneficiary got US$200 000 as compensation for a property using fake deeds and that he facilitated the payment.

Shenje appeared in court on Saturday and claimed that there was no evidence to link him to the offence.

Shenje, through his lawyer, Admire Rubaya, denied the allegations, saying he had no power to recommend or approve any payment and that his superiors had powers to caricel any papers from his office and not pay anyone.

He claimed that he is being victimised for being viewed as Engineer Chinyanga’s blue-eyed boy.

ĶAccording to court papers, the government set up a fund to compensate the 136 рrореrty owners after a valuation by three parties and one of the affected properties was subdivision A of Subdivision B of Delft of Hopely held under Title Deed of Geoffrey Bannister.

Claims are that when compensation was due, Shenje connived with one Lirvy Idana and other Ministry officials and forged an agreement of sale using an aid title deed in the name of John Maloney who was the predecessor of title to Bannister purporting that Idana had purchased the property and was now the one due for compensation.

It is alleged that Idana submitted the fraudulent agreement of sale and the old Title Deeds to Shenje who in turn allegedly fast tracked the papers for payment resulting in two payments of US$100 000 each being made on December 8 and December 28.

The money was allegedly received by Idana from the finance ministry at the instruction of the ministry of transport.

In his defence and challenge to the allegations, Shenje said he has no power to influence any payment as he is a junior officer in the ministry, which has a director, chief director and a permanent secretary.

His lawyer Rubaya claimed ZACC arrested the wrong person with no power to recommend or approve a payment, leaving people with signatures approving the alleged transaction.

“You can not arrest someone without the powers to recommend or approve a payment, but for only being regarded as the head Ministry’s blue-eyed boy as sub-consciously card by the investigating officer, “Rubaya told the court

When ZACC officer Elisha Chimusoro was called to buttress the State’s application to place Shenje on remand and during cross examination, he claimed that Shenje had a tendency of skipping his superiors and going up to the head of the Ministry

The defence felt the claim by the ZACC investigator showed the real intention behind his arrest as it had no iota of evidence but based on hearsay.

During his evidence in chief, Chimusoro claimed the fraudulent claim originated from Shenje’s office and that he fast-tracked the payment.

Chimusoro also claimed that he has evidence, bank statements, showing Shenje benefitting from the crime, getting his share from the US$200 000 loot.

He however could not produce same in court.

He said Shenje had not done due diligence of verifying the deed through the deeds office before recommending the payment.

He, however, admitted that only the director and chief director had recommendation powers, and the permanent secretary would approve the payments making the allegations weak.

Chimusoro mumbled and said investigations are still ongoing .

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