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Armed robbers pounce on Lomagundi College

School authorities remain mum on the amount of cash stolen

Chinhoyi- LOMAGUNDI College was a target of armed robbers Tuesday night and an undisclosed amount of money and gadgets were stolen,Express Mail Zim can report.

According to the school board chairperson Nando Sibanda ,10 armed robbers wearing balancaves ambushed the security at the main entrance and tied them ,deactivating alarm system and stole cash,laptops and cellphones.

They made good their escape in the deputy head’s car.

” At about 20.30 hours last night our security team was ambushed by a group of 10 masked armed robbers who disarmed them of their weapons and held them hostage by the gate guard room.

“They then ambushed Mr Masombo our Deputy Head as he returned back to campus after having driven to town earlier that evening they then forced forced Mr Masombo and 5 security guards to the administration block where they were tied up and made to sleep on the floor,” wrote Sibanda in a communique to parents.

He said the robbers then broke into all the administration offices, broke all the safes which had an undisclosed amount of money.

He however said the school fees money was safe since its kept off campus and the matter was reported to the police with investigations underway.

Lately, armed robbers have targeted private school in the first week of opening as it is widely believed that most of them do not use the normal banking system and prefer to keep cash on campus.

These schools also charge exortianate fees tempting robbers to pounce on them obviously with inside intelligence.

Lomagundi charges US$2,670.00 for day scholars and US$3,820.00 boarders.

Armed robbers target: A parent dropping his child at a private school with a chopper tempting armed robbers to pounce on such institutions

In August last year, a Lomagundi College learner appeared in court on allegations of stealing his father’s pistol and using it to rob various people of cash and other valuables and this culture and spirit of robbery is hovering over the elite educational institution.

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