
Redwing Mine Collapse: Fifteen Miners feared dead at the Scott Sakupwanya owned pit…

Penhalonga:A shaft collapsed this morning, trapping some gold miners who were working underground. As a result, hundreds of locals gathered at Redwing Mine in Penhalonga, Manicaland province, to aid in rescue efforts. At least 15 miners are feared dead.

The mine is owned by Zanu-PF legistlator for Mabvuku-Tafara Scott Pedzisayi Sakupwanya,popularly known as “Mr Gold”.ExpressMail Zim has learnt that the mine is running illegally following an EMA ban due to a similar scandal.Following pressure from civil society organisations like the Centre for Research and Development (CRD) and Ziva Community Empowerment Trust, which asserted that over 100 fatalities had been reported at the mine since 2020, EMA was compelled to close the mine,ultimately suspending any mining operations

In 2023, EMA Manicaland provincial boss Kingstone Chitotombe said the aforementioned suspension was still in force.

“The suspension of Better Brands mining in Penhalonga is still in full force. We suspended them on issues to do with mining safety and regulations and environmental degradation,” he said.

In a related incident in Penhalonga,reports are that scores of women and children, that earn a living from selling mining rubbles, escaped death by a whisker as the land gave in and cracked in the early hours of today.

📷 Penhalonga Youth Development Trust

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