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What a beauty by Scott Sakupwanya at Mr Ugly funeral

Harare- ZANU – PF MP for Mabvuku-Tafara Scott Sakupwanya made a beautiful gesture for the late Mr Ugly Zimbabwe Mison Sere last week, Express Mail Zim can report.

Sakupwanya donated foodstuff to the family of the late Mison.

Mison passed away on last week at his grandfather’s residence, where he had been residing.

Sakupwanya played a crucial role in providing support during this challenging time by contributing 80 kg of mealie meal, cooking oil, vegetables, groceries, and various other items. He also extended his condolences to the grieving family, expressing solidarity in the face of the tragic loss.

Cde Charles Gawu, a community leader coordinating the assistance effort, emphasized that Cde Sakupwanya’s contributions went beyond material support, illustrating a deep sense of compassion and understanding of the family’s needs during such a difficult time.

“Nhamo ndeyemunhu wose saka Cde Sakupwanya vabatsira mhuri iyi panhamo yaMison Sere nehupfu, mafuta, muriwo, madomasi nezvimwe. Vanoti havana kugumira ipapa, vachabatsira nezvimwe kusvikira nhamo iyi yapera, munhu avigwa,” said Cde Gawu.

Cde Murimi Munyaradzi, the Zanu-PF Mabvuku District Chairperson, expressed commitment to continue supporting the family until the funeral proceedings for Mison are concluded.

“Tichabatsirana nemhuri iyi kusvikira mutumbi wavigwa, tinenge tichisvitsa zvose kuna Cde Sakupwanya,” added Cde Munyaradzi.

Dunny Sere Snr, expressing gratitude for the support received, stated, “Tinotenda nekubatsirwa uku sezvo tanga takatoomerwa. Hatizive pamwe vavaimboshanda navo mumakwikwi avo aMr Ugly Zimbabwe vachauyawo.”

Mai Sharon Sere, a relative of Mison, acknowledged the community’s efforts to ease their burden during this challenging time.

Ugly man with a beautiful smile….The late Mr Ugly Zimbabwe who ousted three time winner William Masvinu

“Mwana wangu zviri pachena kuti auraiwa nedoro, tisatsvage varoyi pano. Chake kwaiva kunwa doro nekutevedza nhamo, munhu asinawo kumbobvira akarapwa zvake,” said Mai Sharon Sere.

Mai Julia Sere, another relative, expressed her desire to understand the circumstances surrounding the gifts Mison received, particularly the car, a house stand, and money, emphasizing that they were unaware of the source of such generosity.

Daison Sere, Mison’s younger brother, shared that Mison had expressed a desire to travel to South Africa and had obtained a passport for that purpose.

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