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Fraud alert: UK based dealer Max Kudita in USD1000 scam

tells reporter not to waste his time

United Kingdom- YOUTHFUL businessman and socialite Maxwell Kudita is in the eye of a storm after pulling a foiled attempt to defraud fellow countryman identified as Rodney Chimombe.

Information reaching this publication is that Kudita orchestrated a well calculated scheme and sent an unsuspecting countryman Rodney Chimombe cash amounting to USD1000.

It is alleged that he then started dilly dallying and instructed Rodney to move funds into other accounts.

“Kudita used several people to siphon funds without their knowledge.

“He usee a bait of sending money to unsuspecting countrymen and then ask them to move the cash into his associates accounts.He has been doing this for a long time,” said an insider source.

When called for comment,Kudita could neither confirm nor deny the allegations, he was on an offensive mood and said:
“Dont waste my time with this fuckery.”

The dealer and health care consultant has a string of fraud cases that he has masked using his relatives’ financial muscle.

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