
Love and Power:A Tangled Affair in Chitungwiza

In the heart of Zimbabwe’s bustling town of Chitungwiza, where life unfolds with an intoxicating energy, a tale of love, power, and controversy has unfolded, leaving residents aghast and tongues wagging. At the center of this whirlwind of intrigue is the charismatic former Mayor, Lovemore Maiko, a man whose magnetism has captivated many.

Rumors have swirled for weeks like wisps of smoke from a crackling fire whispering of stolen glances, clandestine meetings, and a bond that transcends the mere confines of professional camaraderie between Maiko and the newly elected Mayor, Rosaria Mangoma.

Mangoma, viewed as a vision of grace and elegance, has swiftly captivated the attention of Chitungwiza’s residents. Her beauty, coupled with her poise and intelligence, has an undeniable allure. Yet, beneath her captivating façade, some suspect a hidden agenda, a loyalty that lies not with the people of Chitungwiza, but with the man who allegedly handpicked her for the position.

The allegations paint a picture of a carefully orchestrated power play, a calculated move to safeguard Maiko’s interests and influence. They paint Mangoma as a pawn, a mere puppet in Maiko’s grand scheme to maintain his grip on the town’s affairs.

“Maiko orchestrated the move for Rosa to be elected as Mayor as this will help her protect his interests at the helm of council,” A close source told Expresmail Zim.

Whether these allegations hold truth or not, the mere suggestion of a romantic entanglement between Maiko and Mangoma has sent shockwaves through Chitungwiza.
The prospect of a love affair clouding the judgment of those entrusted with the town’s well-being is a cause for concern, casting a shadow over the integrity of the Town Council’s decision-making processes

Recently elected Mayor Rosaria Mangoma

As the saga unfolds, the residents of Chitungwiza watch with bated breath, their hopes for transparency and accountability hanging in the balance. Will the truth prevail, or will love and power continue to dance their delicate dance in the shadows, leaving the people of Chitungwiza in the dark?

When reached for comment, Mayor Mangoma vehemently denied all allegations, stating that this was all a ploy to taint her good name by the losing candidates.

“I wasn’t in South Africa in October please I don’t have a passport right now. All those are lies by those whom I defeated who wanted to lead,” said Mangoma.

Mangoma further went to state that her passport expired in September (a month before the alleged travel) and promised to provide this publication with pictorial evidence to support her claim.

In a parting shot, she touched on her desire to abide by the law as enshrined in the constitution as a duly elected Mayor:

“Council is a creature of the law and I am a law-abiding citizen. Everything that is done at council is done within the confines of the law. Those are side shows. However, despite these cheap side shows, I remain focused on the mandate that council exists for, thus to provide improved service to our people,” she said.

Recalled Former Chitungwiza Mayor at the eye of alleged adultery storm
Pic Cred:NewsDay

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