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Murowa Diamonds mine employees lament over poor working environment


Zvishavane- THE Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG) and the Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Mineral Workers Union (ZDAMWU) have joined hands in expressing deep concern over the ongoing labour and salary disputes at Murowa Diamonds in Zvishavane.

Despite the mine workers’ full capacity productivity, the company has failed to prioritize their welfare, resulting in non-payment of salaries and various other challenges.

The employees tabled a plethora of griviances including non-payment of salaries, unratified duty roaster, short term fixed contracts, inadequate pension fund, inequitable salary scale among others.

These challenges have exposed mine workers to dire circumstances making their livelihood unbearable.

In a joint statement the two lobby groups wrote:

“The absence of an effective works council deprives workers of a platform to voice their concerns and negotiate for improved working conditions.

“The non-functional transport system and Inadequate transportation facilities pose additional challenges for workers, impacting their ability to commute to the mine site reliably.

” The workers’ salaries are disproportionately low compared to the profits generated from the minerals being mined, highlighting a lack of fair compensation.

“The workers’ reliance on the MIPF pension fund has proven ineffective, necessitating the establishment of a dedicated pension fund for the diamond sector.”

It further reads:

” The overall quality of life for workers and their dependents is severely compromised, necessitating immediate action from Murowa Diamonds.”

CNRG and ZDAMWU urged Murowa Diamonds to prioritize the welfare of its workers and take immediate action to address the labour disputes, wage issues, and poor working conditions.

“As a member of the Natural Diamond Council, Murowa Diamonds must uphold the highest standards of sustainable development in the global diamond sector, which cannot be achieved without ensuring workers’ well-being and fair remuneration.

“CNRG and ZDAMWU are aware of the upcoming Kimberley Process Plenary meeting in Victoria Falls, where the concerns of diamond mine workers and communities are increasingly being heard. Trade unions and civil society organizations play a crucial role in safeguarding the welfare of mineworkers, and both CNRG and ZDAMWU will continue to advocate for standard working conditions, transparent collective bargaining processes, the establishment of works councils, and an overall improvement in the operational environment for a conducive and fair working atmosphere for diamond mine workers.
The plight of mine workers at Murowa Diamonds demands immediate attention. It is the responsibility of Murowa Diamonds, as well as relevant stakeholders, to ensure that workers’ rights are upheld, salaries are paid on time, and working conditions are improved. CNRG and ZDAMWU will persist in their advocacy efforts until the workers receive their rightful dues and enjoy a dignified and secure working environment,” they wrote.

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