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Judicial capture: JSC boss Chikwana in US$34 million grand corruption storm

Story by founding editor Nigel Pfunde

Harare- THE Judiciary Services Commission (JSC) secretary Walter Chikwana is in the eye of a storm following allegations that he embezzled funds and prejudiced Treasury of at least US$34 million,Express Mail Zim can reveal.

The controversial officer allegedly imported a platform called Online Tracking and Virtual System from Armenia and the dodgy deal was done without following due process and wanton neglect of going for tender.

The cost incurred thus far is said to be US$34million.

Express Mail Zim had sight of a leaked dossier containing the scathing allegations which also implicated Chief Justice Luke Malaba – who is accused of giving Chikwana protection.

Part of the dossier that was authored by an anonymous insider read:

“The system imported from Armenia didn’t t go for tender and at least US$34 million has been used so far.”

It is further alleged that the system is too heavy for our internet connectivity and is suitable for 5g network.

” JSC has remote courts which does not access internet easily such as Mtawatawa, Kezi and so forth .

” The system needs modern 5g compatible machines JSC does not have the computers they are still using the old computers donated by Danida in 2013.”

Chikwana is also alleged to have received a ‘gift’ of a Toyota Landcruiser from Malaba to spy and ‘snitch’ on magistrates and judges so that he consolidate hegemony and total control of the judiciary.

It is further alleged that Chikwana used part of the proceeds to build a multi-million dollar school in Crowhill.

Chikwana who hails from the Rosa area in Mashonaland Central,allegedly bought a farm in Concession area where he has an expensive breed of Heifers.

Contents of the dossier further allege that Chikwana bought an expensive car for his confidante and IT manager identified only as Manyenga and he is the IT Manager.

He also allegedly bought an expensive farm in Makoni West with proceeds from the stinking deal.

“Chikwana’s son Panashe has been given an office at JSC and a car and he is on salary pay roll but not an employee,” further reads the dossier.

There is a plethora of cases of sexual harassment perpetrated against female surbodinates by Chikwana, some of which involved marriage wrecking.

“Chikwana has wrecked the marriage of a former Econet employee (name withheld) and promoted her to a post of Protocol Manager, she attended an interview of a receiptionist but got a higher post,” read the dossier.

Right to respond?

Chikwana was unavailable at the time of writing after relentless efforts.

NB: In a serialized sequel we are going to publish the names of the cartel that has captured the judiciary system according to the dossier on Thursday.

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One Comment

  1. This is an emotional false and malicious article littered with broken English and stinking falsehoods orchestrated to tarnish the image of the Judiciary and the two faces that front this crucial arm of the State. Nigel Pfunde you are digging your own grave. In fact you have dug the grave and built it up with cement and laid your coffin inside it. The best you can do is withdraw this article and apologise to the two Gentlemen and to the Nation at large. For a start there is nothing called JUDICIARY SERVICE COMMISSION. The two Gentlemen you are chastising lead an institution called the JUDICIAL SERVICE COMMISSION. Secondly Mr Chikwanha does not hail from Mash Central. He comes from Mash East. Thirdly the marriage wrecking allegations are recklessly FALSE and Unfounded. And the Man you are talking about is readily available for a comment. Your story badly lacks BALANCING and is therefore desperately false and unfounded. The two Gentlemen do not impose their wills on the Judiciary. That institution works on the Law. They have Rules and Regulations which they follow and those rules and regulations are made by Parliament. They follow Procurement Regulations to procure anything for the Judiciary. The Internet material for the Integrated Court Management System was properly procured and the whole thing was subjected to tender and does not require 5g internet system you are parroting about. KWANA iwe

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