
City dealer distances self from child abuse video

CITY dealer Munyaradzi Chauraya who stands accused of abusing his girlfriend Natalie Taruvinga’s minor child has denied the allegations.
In a shocking video that went viral on social media over the weekend, a man believed to be Chauraya is seen letting the minor child carress his manhood.

The abuser’s face is not visible on the video in question.
In his defence, Chauraya says his manhood is different from the one in the video.
“I have tattoos on my thighs and a wart on my manhood and the man in that video had no tattoos,” he argued.
Interestingly, his girlfriend Natalie revealed that Chauraya sent her the video after the two lovers had a misunderstanding.
She however kept the video under wraps until her sister stumbled upon in it and spilled the beans .
The matter was reported to Harare Central Police under case number IR061650 and Chauraya will attend court by way of summons after a brief court appearance Monday.

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