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Former Victoria Falls Mayor convicted of corruption

Victoria Falls: – Former Victoria Falls Mayor Somvelo Dlamini has been found guilty of corruption-related charges and remanded in custody for sentencing to be handed down Friday.

Dlamini was arrested in February 2022 on allegations of abuse of office through engaging in illicit land deals that benefited him.

He was accused of allocating land to himself and his clique without following due procedure.

The trial, which began in July 2022, lasted for over a year.

In his verdict, the magistrate said that the prosecution had proven its case beyond reasonable doubt and that Dlamini was guilty of all the charges against him.

Dlamini’s conviction is a significant victory in the fight against corruption in Zimbabwe.

He is a high-profile figure and his conviction shows that no one is above the law.

It also marks a good start for the newly appointed Prosecutor-General Loice Matanda-Moyo who is on record for lamenting over the low prosecution rate of high profile individuals during her tenure as the Zacc chairperson.

The severity of the sentence given to Dlamini will be closely watched.

A deterrent sentence will send a strong message that corruption will not be tolerated, while a lenient sentence could be seen as a sign that the government is not serious on cracking down on corruption.

Legal experts submitted that Dlamini’s conviction will serve as a deterrent to others who may be tempted to engage in corrupt activities.

A ZACC official who refused to be named said corruption is cancer and corrupt people should rot in jail.

“Corruption is a cancer that is destroying our country, and it is of paramount importance to send corrupt individuals to rot in jail,”

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