
Govt ‘shuts out’ trending musicians from Heroes Gala line-up?

Harare-GOVERNMENT has announced the date of Heroes Gala which will be held in Rusape at Vengere stadium on August 14 – the very day of the commemorations which will be held at the National Heroes Acre and presided over by President Emmerson Mnangagwa,Express Mail Zim can report.

This year’s theme is “Remembering our Heroes-Nyika Inovakwa Nevene Vayo/Ilizwe Lakhiwa Ngabanikazi Balo”.

The gala will feature 23 musicians who curiously shuts out the most trending artistes at the moment in a move that is probably due to a limited budget considering that some of the hot artistes come with a major price tag!

Trending artistes like Winky D,Jah Prayzah. Alick Macheso, Holy 10,Nutty O,Seh Calaz,Killer T among others are nowhere near the line-up.

The line up has a few veterans like Sulumani Chimbetu,Nicholas Zacharia, Michael Mahendere and Iyasa.

The other artistes are an equally talented Romeo Gasa, Mambo Dhuterere,Mark Ngwazi,Cheso Boys,Ma-nine Bio Mudimba and tired horse Tambaoga who rose to fame performing at galas in the First Republic which later ‘dumped’ him even though he waxed lyrical.

The dancehall side is well represented by youthful Enzo Ishall and pot-bellied chanter and co-founder of Chill Spot Records DJ Fantan.

Music analysts who spoke to Express Mail Zim expressed mixed feelings .

“Well, I think the organisers wanted to create a balance between new and old blood giving a platform for exposure for new artistes like Mambo Dhuterere.

“How will the music grow if the same faces are the only ones given the platform,” said one Chido Manquma.

“Myself I think when one looks at the area the gala is being held you can’t leave out Jah Prayzah , Winky D and Alick Macheso.

“Even Holy 10’s nationwide popularity is unquestionable because numbers do not lie.
“At the same time,speculating that Winky D and Holy 10 were excluded because of of their lyrical content with strong political innuendos will be far fetched,” opined one music afficianado who only identified himself as Mr Mention.

An international scholar once well described the inter-twining relationship between music and politics.

He propounded:

“Music can express anti-establishment or protest themes, including anti-war songs, but pro-establishment ideas are also represented, for example, in national anthems, patriotic songs, and political campaigns. Many of these types of songs could be described as topical songs.”

Tomb of the unknown Soldier: National Heroes Day Commemoration to be held on August 14 at the National Shrine

Meanwhile, all the 196 heroes and heroines’ families have been invited to the national shrine .

‘In line with the Second Republic Devolution and Decentralisation ethos,provinces and districts will be allocated buses for transportation of the public.

“Each of the rural provinces will be allocated 5 buses, while each district will get one .
“Harare Metropolitan Province will have 50 buses and Bulawayo Metropolitan Province will have 15,” read part of post cabinet briefing statement released Tuesday.

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