
Jittery ZANU PF ‘instructs’ High court to bar CCC candidates in Bulawayo,Ostalos frozen out

Harare: As the election season reaches fever pitch , the High Court has barred twelve opposition candidates in Bulawayo ahead of the plebiscite penciled for August 23.

Justice Bongani Ndhlovu ruled that they filed their papers after the 4pm deadline.

Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube is amongst ZANU PF candidates that will be elected unopposed.The ZANU PF MP for Cowdray Park has installed free wifi for citizens who scramble for broadband on pothole ridden roads as evidenced by images that have been doing the rounds on the webosphere.

Legal analysts told Express Mail Zim that the opposition has legal standi to escalate the matter through appealing to the Supreme Court thereby giving ZEC the headache of editing or rather changing the ballot papers for affected areas.

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