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Ali Murder, A Litmus Test For ZRP: Sithole

Obey Sithole with CCC leader Nelson Chamisa


A litmus test has been thrown before the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), gauging whether they will efficiently investigate and arrest the culprits of Moreblessing Ali’s murder without fear of political interference, it has emerged.


Ali, a Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist was butchered by suspected Zanu PF apparatchiks who dismembered her body before dumping it in a disused well at Zanu PF linked Simbarashe Chisango’s homestead in Chitungwiza’s Manyame area where it was discovered on Saturday.


CCC interim Youth Assembly chairperson Tererai Obey Sithole said her murder case was a mammoth task for the ZRP who must prove their professionalism through unbiased investigations.


“This incident is once again a test for the nation’s police services to show professionalism and commitment to end crime by nabbing the named suspects.”


Sithole said the ZRP’s image has already been tarnished by arbitrary arrests of the opposition outfits’ pro-democracy backers.


“They have instead chosen to display hypocrisy by arresting the victims and leaving the perpetrators. The police’s overdrive in picking up pro-democracy champions in Chitungwiza ahead of the murderers is a testament of sickening hypocrisy from the police’s end. 

“All we call for is for justice to be served and in this case we expect to see the arrest of the murderers and I don’t think that is too much of an ask,” said Sithole.


Yesterday police arrested CCC deputy chairman and Zengeza West legislator Job “Wiwa” Sikhala and Chitungwiza North legislator Godfrey Karakadzayi Sithole for inciting violent scenes that took place in the Nyatsime area.


The chief suspect in the murder case, Pius Jamba-a vigilante is still at large and the Ali family has since vowed not to bury their loved one until all those involved in her butchering have been apprehended.


Sithole said the State’s misharps surrounding Ali’s murder triggered the current clashes in Chitungwiza and thus were to blame.


“The gruesome murder of Moreblessing tells a huge story about the state of regarding the security of the person in our country. While governments in other countries tirelessly fight against terrorism, in our homeland, it is the government that is at the fulcrum of aiding acts of terrorism.”


“The state has since abdicated its duty and in the face of their failures, they always resort to unleashing tools of terror to silence voices of dissent and Moreblessing fell victim.” 


Said Sithole: “With these developments in our sight, I reiterate my call for the citizens to unite unconditionally and stand up to add their voices in issues of national discourse and restore rule of law.”


He added that the government’s disrespect of the rule of law warranted its removal from power through the ballot.


“Where a government doesn’t respect rule of law as is our case, that government doesn’t deserve to stay in power and 2023 is the opportunity for us to vote for change. Let’s all rally behind Nelson Chamisa for the restoration of independence in our security services and guaranteed security of the person, never again must our people live in fear in their homeland,” he said.

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  1. To the admin, You always provide great examples and real-world applications, thank you for your valuable contributions.

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