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Mai Titi to spend another night in custody , faces possible perjury charges

Harare- CONTROVERSIAL comedienne and social media influencer Felistus Murata better known by her moniker Mai Titi will spend another night behind bars after her conviction over theft of trust property to the tune of US$10 000, Express Mail Zim can report.

A Harare Magistrate initially ordered that she goes for vetting at the Community Service Department Wednesday, but it emerged that she had once defaulted on a previous community service in Budiriro.

She was therefore ordered to remain in custody awaiting sentence Thursday at 14.30 hours.

Legal experts submitted that if the Community Service department verify the allegations (of absconding), there was possibility of her answering to perjury charges since in her mitigation, she told the court (under oath) that she was a first offender hence approaching the court with dirty hands,” said a South African based Zimbabwean lawyer who spoke to Express Mail Zim on condition of anonymity.

In Zimbabwe law perjury crime is defined ” a crime is commited when a person makes a false statement in court under oath, whether or not either statement has actually been proved to have been false, and the person knew of the falsity thereof, or unless the person proves that when he or she made the statement she genuinely believed it was true.”

Her lawyer Admire Masango said when his client gave him instructions, she said she had never been convicted.

Masango successfully prayed for sentence to be handed down Thursday afternoon.

The social media influencer is no stranger to controversy as she recently hogged the limelight after her nude pictures leaked on the internet in a development that pointed out that she was a victim of ‘revenge porn’ .

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