
Medical aid companies adopt co-payment system

Harare- THE continuous devaluation of the local currency and the hyperinflationary environment has forced some healthcare providers and medical aid companies to adopt co-payment system for ZWL paying members,”Express Mail Zim has learnt.

In a communique sent to members Wednesday, one of the country’s top medical aid companies Cimas, announced that a co-payment system will be introduced with effect June 12 to pave way of an “uninterrupted service and access to standard medicine”.

“This will enable us to ensure an uninterrupted service and access to standard medicines that you have been accustomed to.

“We regret any inconvenience this may have caused,”wrote the Medical Aid fund’s managing director T Mashapaidze in a letter dated June 14.

Several other medical aid companies are expected to follow suit for viability and survival.

The country is in a severe economic downturn ahead of elections set to be held in August this year and daily price distortions and astronomical prices on basic commodities has been ‘normalised’, forcing some businesses to literally ‘dump’ the use of the local currency.

President Mnangagwa this week warned economic saboteurs and said stern action will be taken .

Meanwhile, Steve Hanke a word renowned economist has predicted a catastrophic downfall of the Zimbabwean economy describing it’s trajectory as “heading towards economic amargeddon.”

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