
Nakamba:”The stone that the builder man refused”

*Nakamba:”The stone that the builder man refused”*

*Opinion by Francis Musanhi*

SIMPLY Marvelous,one word that can describe football superstar Marvelous Nakamba whose wizardry in the field of play has mesmerised many a football fan in Luton, England.

Ironically back home a large section of the Sadza eaters seem to have adopted a PHD (pull him down syndrome) at the juncture at which he was loaned to Luton City by Villa.

Haters in my neighborhood of Highfield (Fio) condemned and made mockery of his move to the Hatters,went on to state that it was a signal of a career teetering on the brink of collapse.

The level of hate was more than a PHD acquired from Honolulu University (sic) and it was in contrast to the LOVE he got from the HATTERS fans including one of the most important actors in the team – the gaffer!

It hurt me so much to see fellow Zimbos speaking ill of a young boy from Hwange who has been on a mission to fly the country’s flag high.

Failure to acknowledge and congratulate a milestone achievement that was attained by our Wonder boy Marvelous Nakamba when he went to take over a Herculean task at the simple Luton City, making an immense contribution to the team’s promotion from the championship to the biggest league in the world English Premiership (EPL).

When Marvelous was rejected by Emery at Aston Villa ,he was loaned to Luton City as excessive garbage.

Like the Cinderella fairy tale he became a darling .

Cinderella had her boots stolen and Marvelous like Cinderella turned his football boots into golden ones with a superb penalty which he converted at ease

He easily established himself at his new base and started to show his brilliance as a defensive midfielder .

His arrival at Luton, according to the coach Rob Edwards, effectively stabilised the ship and cruised straight to reach the destination without hitting an iceberg like the Titanic!

Most Zimbabweans were speaking ill about Marvelous and one wonders why we are at pains to acknowledge that the guy was/is good.

He scored his virgin goal in England from a penalty,cooly slotting the the third kick after 90 mins plus extra time (30mins) had ended in a stalemate.

When the ref blew the final whistle,confirming Luton’s upgrade to the EPL, Nakamba veiled himself in the Zimbabwean flag and ran all over the pitch celebrating.

How marvelous is that for patriotism!

I,for one really fancied that moment of exuberance.

His gaffer Edwards is on record describibg Marvellous as ” his best player in the world at the moment ” .

Let’s shun tribalism and learn to acknowledge what our sport ambassadors achieve as they market our country to the world, infact sport is a unifying factor since time immemorial,now more than ever since the Second Republic has embarked on re-engagement.

Go warrior ,go Marve , the sky is the limit our golden boy .We wish you a successful EPL carrier .🌹

*Francis Musanhi is a football fanatic and sports critic.He writes in his own capacity

For feedback contact him on 0719193024

Email: francismusanhi8268@gmail.com

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