
Macheso’s new offering … Much Ado About Nothing

Staff writer

Talking of Sungura music in Zimbabwe Alick Macheso is arguably the top musician of all time.

He has stood the test of time and maintained consistency in the game.

An award winning guitarist, lyricist and dancer, he is the household name in Sungura.

One cannot dispute the fact that Macheso is the godfather of the genre, Baba Shero as he is affectionately known as a guru, one could be forgiven to conclude that he was born playing a guitar.

Yesteryear, he produced songs that are still hits, songs that still resonate with all age groups.

Albums like Simbaradzo, Zvakanaka Zvakadaro, Zvido zvenyu Kunyanya and Ndezvashe, all maintained momentum they did well on the market and they helped Macheso in the creation of his brand.

Songs that include Mundikumbuke, Baba na Mai, Shedia, Madhawu, Charakupa, Makandidana, Wemakonzo, Ziva zvaunoda to mention but a few are still favourites for many, far and wide.

Whenever news that Macheso was about to release an album people would anxiously wait – even non Sungura lovers – everyone knew that Baba Sharo would not disappoint.

Macheso’s new album

His popularity afforded him the privilege of being the main or headline artist at all major gigs in the country alongside the late Oliver Mtukudzi. All his solo shows would be full to the brim.

Macheso could demonstrate his prowess all-night long much to the delight of his fans.

Almost everyone, including kindergarten children could perfectly sing-along his songs.

People could request his songs on radio and television one after another.

Not to be outdone, Zimbabweans in the diaspora time and again earnestly request Baba Sharo to visit them and they pay significant amounts to watch him perform. His shows are usually sold out. This is how powerful, talented and charismatic Macheso is, musically.

His hard work helped him in the creation of his formidable brand .On stage he is still the Cheso power that we know but on writing new songs, Cheso power has lost his mojo.

His writing skills are no longer the “music professor” that was chanted on the popular song “Gogogoi”.

It seems Orchestra Mberikwazvo left ‘Macheso’ the song writer at Mobile Music Trust (MMT) studios in South Africa where they recorded their album “Ndezvashe” in 2007.

After 2007, he has been releasing albums but none of them had a mark on the market.

Zvinoda kutendwa (2010), Kwatabva Mitunhu (2012), Tsoka dzerwendo (2016), Dzinosvitsa kure (2018) and a single Zuro Ndizuro (2020). All of these albums were like the fire of cardboard boxes.

Even though Macheso failed to maintain the standards he set for himself over the years, none ever dared to rule him out – for obvious reasons – everyone thought this time he would rescue himself, but it seems it’s only Macheso the performer who is now alive.

His new album “Tinosvitswa Nashe” leaves a lot to be desired. This is not Baba Sharo that we know!

His fanatics can argue that he is being different … call it whatever you want, adaptation or reinvention the fact still remains the man is failing to maintain his standards.

Macheso is an artist and it is expected of him to be creative and be innovative especially when writing lyrics.

There is nothing new, interesting and captivating in his new album.

It’s only his voice and his signature guitar, everything else sounds like an upcoming Sungura artist from who is coming from a financially stable family.

With so much hype “Tinosvitswa Nashe” got prior to the launch and release on both main-stream and social media, music lovers were expectant, but Alas … A dummy was sold to them.

I bet with my last coin! of the six songs on the new album none will be a hit, even though they say “in a country of the blind one eyed man is a king”.

 All six songs are flat and empty.

To maintain his status as the all time king of Sungura, Baba Sharo should pull his socks, look for his old notebook or stop recording and focus only on live shows. As of now his strength is on live shows, this is the only way he will forever maintain his brand and his status he worked so hard to create.

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