
Mnangagwa to join other African Presidents in Addis Ababa

Harare- PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has left the country Friday for Ethiopia to attend the 36th ordinary Session African Union (AU) Assembly for Heads of State and Government , Express Mail Zim can report.

The session runs from February 18 to February 19 in Addis Ababa running under the theme ‘The year of AFCTA: Acceleration of the African Continental Free Trade Area Implementation’

The Assembly is the AU’s supreme policy and decision-making organ.

It comprises all Member State Heads of State and Government and determines the AU’s policies, establishes its priorities, adopts its annual programme and monitors the implementation of its policies and decisions.

Topical issues under discussion will include food security , infrastructure development , climate change and conflict and political instability in some African nations.

Mnangagwa was seen off at the Robert Mugabe International Airport by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga and several other senior government officials.

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