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Just In: Rimbi Tours back on the road

Harare- GOVERNMENT has on Friday lifted the suspension of Rimbi Travel and Tours operators licence after weeks of bickering and threats of legal action,Express Mail Zim can report.

The announcement was made by Transport minister Felix Mhona.

Early this week Rimbi owner Decent Rimbi made a dramatic somersault and withdrew a court application he had filed against government challenging the suspension .

He issued a statement where he fervently apologised and acknowledged that he was ill advise and pledged to work with government in ensuring road safety.

The lifting of the suspension comes after Rimbi satisfied road authorities and passed all e checklist and is now fit and proper to resume operations.

The licence was suspended after a fatal accident occured along the Mutoko -Nyamapanda road where a bus conductor died.
There is videographic evidence of the Rimbi Bus racing with a Zebra Kiss bus and the Rimbi bus rammed into a tipper truck.

Zebra Kiss was quick to comply to required safety standards and cooperated with government and had their suspension lifted .

Rimbi initially chose the confrontational route and used his constitutional right to challenge the suspension via the court.

He was to withdraw the application and complied with the set requirements that promote safety to reduce road carnage.

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