
Govt rallies behind Winky D’s latest album

Harare- GOVERNMENT has no qualms with Winky D’s latest release which has been touted to be pregnant with political overtones by some sections of society, Express Mail Zim can report.

Titled Eureka Eureka, probably after Archimedes’s famous statement borne out of the ‘displacement theory’ the album is a social commentary but the polarization in the local political landscape has attracted naysayers who do not appreciate art.
They deem Winky D’s lyrical content as a tool of pushing the ‘displacement’of the Second Republic which is tantamount to fallacy to a person who is good at deciphering art!

Some self proclaimed Zanu PF affiliates have made noise calling for the ban of the Gaffa’s music, however no amount of decibels can mute good music and art.

The government has vowed that it will not ban Winky D’s music as proposed by the ruling party’s sycophants who go to extremes to please President Emmerson Mnangagwa to the levels of Charles Ndlovu (Webster Shamu) who waxed lyrical over the late former president Robert Mugabe to Cremora.

Cremora is a top notch powdered milk brand that had a popular television commercial where the pay off line was “its not inside, its on top”.
Shamu was therefore trying to allude that Mugabe was on top to retain favours .

The Zimbabwe government has for long held freedom of expression and through it’s mouthpiece the
The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), it announced that Winky D’s music will be played on national radio.

“ZBC has noted with concern unfounded messages circulating on various social media platforms alleging that there has been a ban on Winky D’s songs on the ZBC platforms.

ZBC is a public broadcaster and is guided by the philosophy of leaving no one and no place behind.

It should be categorically stated that we do not discriminate against any music artists,” read a statement released by the national broadcaster.

Music and politics have a symbiotic relationship dating back to the Second Chimurenga where the likes of the late Chinx Chingaira composed songs to motivate the movement.

The self exiled Thomas Mapfumo also composed songs that resonated with the status quo .

The late American rapper Tupac Shakur whose mother was part of the Black Panther movement also composed such songs bordered on his perception leaving fans to judge.

As Shakespeare said , people must interpret art “as you like it” .

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